Assisted reproduction: a step backward Print
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An article by Valeria Ajovalasit

The ignominious affair of assisted reproduction has deeply injured the Italian women. Maybe just few women are interested in politics or in the revival of the “catholic question”, but every woman are certainly fully conscious of their identity and selfrespect. Nonetheless a bill has passed, demolishing principles as pluralism and freedom. The Reproduction Bill has passed without considering, what does the assisted reproduction for a woman mean. The next 24th January a demonstration takes place in Rome just to stress this. That’s very important to Sicily, where one of the first Italan centres for assisted reproduction was founded. His founder has been Professor Ettore Cittadini, who is currently Member of Regional Council for the Public Healt. Thanks to this centre, a lot of women have got the joys of maternity. That’s the reason why many representants from Sicily will take part in the demostration in Rome promoted by many associations and many people, who don’t agree with such a crazy law.

Women are schocked while they saw how superficially and arrogantly the majority of Italian Parliament claimed to interpret and codify their exigences and imposed coercive and mortifying measures, that didn’t pass even in the most Catholic countries. Above all women are deeply disapponted because a lot of lady deputies and senators preferred to humour party secretaries for political reasons rather than people, they should represent. Nowadays a woman, who would like to try the assisted reproduction, must either surrender maternity or accept to experience a Calvary. That’s a question of uncertain results, lots of prohibitions and no certainty for a pregnancy without any problem, as this law bans all forms of pre-implantation genetic tests. Moreover the danger of multiple pregnancies the possibility of giving birth to handicapped babies is raising. Women will be anyway blamed for committing a dreadful crime: to wish to give birth to a child.

The new Reproduction Bill has very deeply injured the Italian women. And these wounds will be deeper and deeper. Thousand of couples will have to give up all hope of giving birth to a child, other people (the richest ones) will go abroad. These arguments are nothing to do with politics.
It happens because, in the name of State’s ethics, religious principles are oft muddled up with those of pluralism and laicality, and for this reason women aren’t free to make with their bodies as they like. “They talk about ethics, but they don’t know anything about our troubles”: that’s what the Italian women say, but who is listening to them? Who should do it, when even the lay Parliament members have agreed with this law? We wish, this attack against our rights doesn’t carry on. It seems, hard times are coming.