Joan of Arc in Algery Stampa
Khalida Toumi Messaoudi, Minister of Communication and Culture in Algeria since 2001, is the symbol of the movement for equal rights and opportunities of women in Islamic countries

She is considered as the algerian Joan of Arc. Khalida Toumi Messaoudi, Minister of Communication and Culture in Algeria since 2001, is the symbol of the movement for equal rights and opportunities of women in Islamic countries.
She is a member of the Kabyle tribe, she’s a writer and an ex-mathematics teacher. She decided to dedicate her life to fight for equal rights between men and women: that’s the reason why she founded the “Association for equal legal rights between men and women” (1985), after a new Domestic Code passed, which put the women’s rights down.
She was sentenced to death by Islamic intégristes (1984) and she was injured in an attack on her life during a democracy march. Nevertheless, she accepted to live in Algeria on and to be the leader of women accusing statesmen to be bounded to Islamic intégristes.
Khalida was elected as member of Parliament 1997, and now, as Minister, she’s part of the national commission, promoted by the President Bouteflika, for a new Domestic Code. This plan will be presented next March.