A campaign in favour of an increase of female presence in the European Parliament Print
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The campaign begins in Palermo on 4th March and it branches out in the whole country. It is promoted by Arcidonna within its Equal projects: that's Esserci, nationwide extended, and Donne in Progress, extended in eight Sicilian provinces

The first social advertising campaign for a democracy based on equal opportunities in our country, promoted by Arcidonna, begins in Palermo. On board an Amat bus covered by a "decorback" representing the Arcidonna fan.
On board of such a bus, running for 15 days, on 4th March there will be the press conference for the presentation of the campaign. This message will circulate on board of other busses in Catania and Messina, in several towns and airports.

A poster is hanging at the airport in Rome, and at 8th March some hostess will distribute to people depliant, sticker and card to send to deputies, senators and politicians. The same thing will be performed on the market in Campo dei Fiori and other places in Rome.

The current mounth the fan has been given to the dignities of the State and to Members of Parliament. Fans, depliants, stickers and cards has been distributed at the airport Milan Linate to send to politicians.
The campaign, planed by Arcidonna and Feedback, was performed thanks to Equal Community Iniziative (Esserci Project), financed by the European Social Fund and by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and, within Donne in Progress Project in Sicily, by the Sicilian Region.

This campaign is very necessary because of the lack of female presence in Italian decision bodies:

Parties’ Board of Direction 15%
Chamber of Deputies 11,5%
Senate 8,1%
Government (Ministers and Undersecretaries) 10%
Trade Unions’ Board of Directors 17,9%