New electoral bills in Italy and in Sicily Print
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Equalitarian democracy in local and political elections

In July 2004 the Italian Council of Ministers brought a new bill before Parliament to state a new rule for electoral rolls. In order to guarantee equal opportunities for men and women in local and political elections (as in the European ones), in single-member constituencies for the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, at least the 33% of candidates must be represented by women. This measure was exhibited by the Minister for Equal Opportunities: it also provides, as regards the Chamber of Deputies, for the alternation of men and women in the lists for the assignment of seats through a proportional voting method. The parties, that break this measure, will have one half of electoral expenses refund cut. This measure seems to be directly born of the art. 51 of the Italian Constitution ("Men and women have equal rights in entering into public and elective offices, in accordance with the requisites established by law. In order to do it, the Italian Republic promotes equal opportunities for men and women").

In Sicily has passed a new regional electoral bill: it guarantees, more than in the past, sexual equality in politics. According to this bill, women and men will alternate in the electoral rolls for regional vote. Women will be at least 30% of candidates in the electoral rolls for provincial and municipal vote.
