The Assisted Reproduction Bill passed Print
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The Assisted Reproduction Bill passed Comments from the political world

Rome, on Thursday 10th February. The Assisted Reproduction Bill, proposed by Giancarlo Giorgetti, passed in the Italian Chamber of Deputies (277 votes for, 222 against) after five hours debate and months controversies.
Because of passing the bill, there has been a split either in the Right or in the Left. During the voting, Biondi, a member of the liberal party, said: “An unequal and traditionalist bill is passing”. On the contrary, Casini, Chamber of Deputies’ President, looks very pleased: he means, it needed such a strict rule. The members of the radical party say, it’s a “present for Vatican”, and they are trying to hold a referendum to abrogate it. The Socialist Boniver says, ”this Bill humbles women”. Rosy Bindi, catholic pasionaria and ex-Minister of Health, judges this Bill “quite imperfect”: it represents anyway a step forward, and the Parliament had been waiting for such a law since 1979.
On the contrary, Alessandra Mussolini states that “This Bill is cruel; it does violence to women and couple”. According to her, Stefania Prestigiacomo, Minister of Equal Opportunities, should resign, and the Italian President shouldn’t sign this document.
Arcidonna has promoted the commettee for a referendum to abrogate the Assisted Reproduction Bill