Gender Observatory

Arcidonna Campagne Review & Appraisal of the Beijing Platform for Action
Review & Appraisal of the Beijing Platform for Action Print E-mail
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Italian reports

  • Italian Government's Review of the implementation of the Beijing platform for action and the outcome documents of the 23rd special session of the general assembly (December 2004)
  • Shadow Report - On the women’s situation in Italy, ten years after the U.N. World Conference on women - promoted by several women’s NGOs (December 2004)

Background: Beijing+5 (2000)

  • Resolution adopted by the General Assembly - Political declaration
  • Part I - Further actions and initiatives to implement the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action.pdf
  • Part II - Achievements and obstacles in the implementation of the twelve critical areas of the Platform for Action
  • Part III - Current challenges affecting the full implementation of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action
  • Part IV - Actions and initiatives to overcome obstacles and to achieve the full and accelerated implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action
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